What is your leadership style?

Do you know how powerful the coaching approach is? 16 years ago, when I was an international marketing manager, I had no idea. Now, with the results on hand, I am convinced that I would have been a much better manager and leader had I had a coach who helped and supported me. In 2006 I decided to join a professional coach training program. This changed my life both professionally and privately and since then I work full time as a coach. My driving force is to see people and organisations develop in a sustainable way.

Today, I support leaders, managers and companies, both in the private and public the sector, as well as smaller entrepreneurs. Together we typically focus on helping you to grow as a leader to reach your full potential and find ways to strengthen your business. This may entail finding tools to motivate and support your team when implementing a radical and challenging change in your organisation. It may also be  to inspire co-workers, communicate efficiently, anchor messages, prioritise activities, deal with time management etc.

I am also an experienced coach and leadership trainer as well as a mentor coach who coaches and guides coaches in training.

As your coach, I will listen, make you stop and reflect, be your speaking partner and above all challenge you to think bigger, and dare more. I will help you widen your perspectives, twist and turn until you get what you need. In other words I want to help you stimulate your creative thinking and problem-solving ability. As your coach, I become a tool which enables you, your employees and your company to reach your objectives.

I collaborate with many professional coaches from all over the world. Our varying skills, backgrounds, languages and cultural experiences complete each other. I coach using my two mother tongues Swedish and Spanish, as well as English and French.



Are you, your organisation or your team in a process of change? Let’s talk about the future! Read more



Are you a professional coach or about to become one? I can help you sharpen your coaching skills. Read more



Would you like to use more coaching tools in your leadership and in your company? Or become a professional coach yourself? Read more


  • A clear objective. What do you want to achieve with our work together and what are your long-term goals?
  • I challenge you – together we set the bar for how much you want me to push and support you. I am used to a high pace but it is also important you give you time for reflection. Let’s find the combination that is the most effective for you.
  • Straight communication, transparency and creative feedback. Call it what you want, but honesty and trust must be present for a collaboration to be effective.

  • Total confidentiality: what you share with me stays with me
  • I am your “speaking partner” who helps you broaden the perspective, reflect, slow down, speed up and clarify.
  • Total commitment.
  • Flexibility, creativity and if you want with a sense of humor.

Do not hesitate to contact me for a first conversation, without commitment, on how you can achieve your goals. E-mail me at or call 070-2622452.